The purpose of the Snoqualmie Valley Watershed Improvement District (SVWID) is to give district members a voice, lend a hand, and find solutions. Farmers and rural landowners have long recognized that there is always too much or too little water for productive farming. Drainage requirements are very strict and confusing. Water rights are limited, and water right law is complex. We’re here to help.
On December 7, 2015 the SVWID was formed as an irrigation district under RCW Chapter 87.03 by a vote of 94% of the landowners in the district. This represented the culmination of a multi-year effort to find solutions to common water-related problems. Irrigation districts in Washington State date back to statehood in 1889. They have become more common in Western Washington in recent years, with six such districts having been formed in Whatcom County over the last decade.
The district boundary roughly follows the King County Agricultural Production District boundary, about 14,000 acres of floodplain from just below Snoqualmie Falls to the county line near Duvall. There are approximately 600 parcels and 300 landowners inside district boundaries.
To view the SVWID boundaries, or to find a particular parcel, visit King County iMap and turn on the “Planning” layer, and turn on the SVWID layer.
Elections for expiring commissioner positions are held each year, with petitions for nomination due by first Monday in November. Consult RCW Chapter 87.03 or email staff or commissioners for more details.
Snoqualmie Valley SVWID – petition for nomination for commissioner
The Executive Director reports to the board of commissioners, hires and oversees staff, is responsible for administrative functions such as finance, operations, compliance, contract negotiations, and resource management. The ED works with the board and staff to develop the strategic plan and the work program, including response to emerging issues. The ED typically also manages programs and writes grant proposals. Erin Ericson is currently managing the water bank, water supply strategy, and water right transfers.
The Program Manager reports to the Executive Director and manages projects and supports others as a field scientist tasked with technical assessments needed to advance SVWID projects on the ground, especially in relation to preparing permits for drainage projects. Andy interfaces with DFW and other permit agencies to support SVWID projects. Andy is a fish biologist with electrofishing experience; bringing this skill in-house clears the path for assessment and construction projects on fish-bearing waterways.
VIDEO CONFERENCE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8795810071?pwd=cHNhNWlFQTFYUTFuZFF4aWtOQytCZz09
Meeting ID: 879 581 0071
Passcode: SVWID
Regular meetings of the SVWID Board of Commissioners are held on the THIRD WEDNESDAY of the month at 10:00 AM.
Minutes for Monthly Meetings are posted here. Agenda for Monthly Meeting is posted here at least 24 hours in advance of the regular meeting.
Notice of any special meetings of the board of commissioners will be posted here, as per RCW Chapter 42.30.080 pertaining to special meetings and the open public meetings act.
The SVWID board encourages public comment at monthly board meetings. Public comment is at the start of the meeting. You have three minutes, not including Q&A from board. It is recommended that you be specific about what action you would like the SVWID to take, if any.
Meetings are not recorded, and we do not enter the content of public comment into the public record, only the name of the speaker. However, we do encourage those making public comment to prepare and submit comments in writing to accompany the record. Written comment is not required, only encouraged.
We would love to hear from you, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Erin Ericson » erin@svwid.com
Andy Obst » andy@svwid.com
Phone number: 425-549-0316
Physical Address: 4621 Tolt Avenue, Carnation, WA 98014
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1148, Carnation, WA 98014